Do I need my student or staff ID card to use library resources?

Can I check out a book if I don't have my CCAC ID card with me? Can I use library ebook and article databases without a student/staff ID?


If you're a current CCAC student or staff member, you can check out materials without your student/staff ID card, as long as you show another form of photo ID.

You do not need your student ID card to use library computers or library ebooks and article databases. Use your NetID (the same username/password as you use for Blackboard and academic email) to access those.

For information on obtaining and replacing student/staff IDs at each campus go to: Printable campus maps that show where to find the ID card offices are available at

  • Last Updated Jun 21, 2023
  • Views 433
  • Answered By CCAC Library

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